Dear Coach,
The Sportsmanship Award is a very serious and meaningful part of our total athletic program. We would like each varsity coach to give serious
consideration in their rating of the schools for the Sportsmanship Award.
Give a score for each school (excluding your own school) you have competed against. Please score all schools you have competed against including crossovers. The score should encompass the behaviors of the coach, athletes and spectators.
The school with the highest scores in each division will receive an award from the Union County Conference and the NJSIAA. Scores are based on a scale of 1 - 5.
Please see scoring table below:
1 - Exhibited poor sportsmanship.
2 - Exhibited unsatisfactory sportsmanship.
3 - Exhibited satisfactory sportsmanship.
4 - Exhibited good sportsmanship.
5 - Exhibited outstanding sportsmanship.
Coaches please provide your Athletic Director details of all
unsatisfactory or poor sportsmanship incidents. Please note all incidents of outstanding or poor sportsmanship at the bottom of this form. If you need more room please us the back of the form. Please return the form to your Athletic Director or to:
Nick Serritella
P.O. Box 181
Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922